Google Scholar gives a way to broad search of scholarly literature. It provides one platform to search across various disciplines and sources like articles, abstracts, opinions, online repositories, collaboration between scientists and others. View
OCLC is a data and resource sharing platform to the knowledge bases, research reports and advocacy initiatives. Its membership allows the opportunities to elect the delegates and reflecting their views to expedite the flow of information. OCLC is a global library cooperative that provides shared technology for its library community at large. View
IIJIF evaluates and ranks the Research Journal/Serial Publication on quantitative & qualitative basis for academic excellence. The International Innovative Journal Impace Factor evaluates the prestige of the journal with its Impact factor calculated on yearly basis on a 100 point scale. View
The Directory of Research Journal Indexing increases the visibility and ease of use for an open access to scientific and scholarly journals. DRJI supply champion has access to global renowned contetn in discipline areas and related methods of information retrieval. View