Bio-Medical Engineering and Modern Healthcare System


  • Asha S P Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Chhattisgarh Engineering College, Durg



Modern Healthcare System, Electronic Aspirin, Biomedical Engineering


When we go through the major events that shaped our history, we often hear stories of epidemics and pandemics like Black Death, Spanish Flu, HIV/AIDS, Antonine Plague to recent menace of Malaria, Brain Fever, Dengue, Chikungunya, and the list is ever growing. At the same time, we are also familiar with or at least heard from our grandparents the legendary stories of plastic surgeries in ancient India or Mummy preservation in ancient Egypt. However, post-industrial revolution, technological innovation and development has progressed rapidly and now it has become part of our everyday life. In the field of medicine and healthcare, tremendous progress has been made in terms of how the diseases are diagnosed delivery of medications, invasive and non-invasive procedures, instrumentation and measurements. Healthcare delivery is currently involves an amalgamation of diverse field such as Medical science, engineering, social sciences and psychology. Engineering is chiefly involved with designing tools such as biosensors, biomaterials, image processing and artificial intelligence. The blending of medicine and engineering gave rise to a relatively new field of Bio-Medical Engineering.


Bronzino, J. D. (2012). Chapter 1 - Biomedical Engineering: A Historical Perspective. In J. D. Enderle & J. D. Bronzino (Eds.), Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (Third Edition) (Third Edition, pp. 1–33). Boston: Academic Press.
Frisch, P. H., St Germain, J., & Lui, W. (2008). Evolving technologies drive the new roles of Biomedical Engineering. Conference Proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference, 2008, 5105–5108.




How to Cite

P, A. S. (2018). Bio-Medical Engineering and Modern Healthcare System. CSVTU International Journal of Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Biomedical, 2(3), 39–42.


