Effectiveness of biosorbent prepared from Trewia nudiflora for the treatment of grey water: reuse potential of treated water for agriculture
Biosorbent, Trewia, Grey water, COD reduction, Pulse seed, ReuseAbstract
Treatment of high loading grey water using biosorbent prepared from waste material has been proposed. Biosorbent was prepared from fruit peel of Trewia nudiflora. Batch sorption study was conducted using wastewater of varying organic load. It was observed that an optimum dose of 2 g/L of biosorbent resulted in 97% reduction of COD. The equilibrium isotherm data at different temperatures obeyed linear and non-linear isotherms. Various kinetic models were studied to observe the biosorption kinetics. The biosorbent was characterized by infra red, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron micrograph technique before and after biosorption. The reuse efficiency of the biosorbent was evaluated by studying the effect of untreated and treated wastewater on germination potential of seeds, i.e. Vigna mungo, Lens culinaris and Coriandrum sativum. To evaluate the toxicity of treated and untreated effluent peroxidase enzyme (POD) activity was studied. It was observed that the germination rate obtained in seeds exposed to biosorbent treated wastewater was significantly higher compared to those exposed to various dilutions of untreated wastewater. An increase in the activity of peroxidase enzyme was observed in seeds germinated in untreated wastewater whereas application of biosorbent treated wastewater resulted in comparatively reduced POD activity as compared to fresh water values.
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