Mobile Healthcare: A Transformation and Improvement




mHealthcare, mobile technology, meta- analyses, medical assistance, re- engineering, human physiology


Abstract: mHealthcare is one of the advancement which has been developed in the mobile computing industry. With the advancement in the mobile technology, the consumers have also got more concern about their wellness and healthiness. This paper describes the potential of mHealth technologies along with the evidence of necessary transformational change and its expanding support. A systematic review and meta- analyses on transforming healthcare is produced along with the recommended steps for improving the provision of medical assistance. The mHealth technology provides re- engineering to every aspect of healthcare that remarkably improves our understanding towards human physiology with its disease and complications. The implications will also help to solve the training of the healthcare workers.

Keywords: mHealthcare, mobile technology, meta- analyses, medical assistance, re- engineering, human physiology.


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How to Cite

Mehta, N., & Vats, M. (2020). Mobile Healthcare: A Transformation and Improvement. CSVTU International Journal of Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Biomedical, 5(2), 34–39.


