Time Series Prediction of Maximum Covid-19 Active Cases in India
COVID-19, Infected person, Novel Coronavirus, Time seriesAbstract
There is an epidemic of COVID-19 due to novel coronavirus in India that is increasing day by day. According to the information given by ministry of health and family welfare website based on public data of the government of India from 25 March to 17 May 2020 are studied for forecasting, the aim of this task is to estimate the key epidemic parameters significantly and predict at the highest point of infection and possible decline until the end of time. Publicly available data have been interpreted using epidemiological equations and data-driven via a time series model to predict down fall of COVID-19 active cases. This result indicates that the government of India intervened faster than other countries and to implement strict public health measures for isolation succeeded in stopping the spread of infection and prevented it from exploding rapidly.
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