Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis for Some Yield-Related Traits in F2 Segregating Population of Okra
Abelmoschus esculentus, Association analysis, Selection.Abstract
Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) is an important crop due to its nutritional and prize value and production potential. Six hybrids of okra developed in Adithya Biotech Lab and Research Pvt. Ltd., Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India, were planted at the research field in June 2014 and evaluated for association between characters, direct and indirect effects of component traits on yield, and component characters and to identify desirable genotypes. Analysis of variance for each trait showed significant differences among the genotypes. Significant positive genotypic and phenotypic correlation was observed by number of fruit per plant and average fruit weight. An overall observation of path coefficient studies revealed that the direct contribution of number of branches per plant, average fruit weight, and number of fruit per plant was of higher magnitude on fruit yield. Direct selection may be executed considering these traits as the main selection criteria to reduce indirect effects of the other characters during the development of high-yielding eggplant varieties/hybrids.
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