Expert system for breast cancer diagnosis using ensemble approach


  • R R Janghel NIT Raipur
  • Anupam Shukla



Breast Cancer, Medical Diagnostics, Pattern Recognition, Ensemble Approach, Neural Networks


Development of efficient, prompt and robust systems that are intelligent enough to replace/reduce human supervision in medical diagnosis is one of the primary objectives that have driven advancements in research for long.  One area where this need for intelligent automation has been most acutely felt is related to the diagnosis of breast cancer in women. Mammography is the most widely used test for screening and early diagnosis of breast cancer. However, it is error-prone and hence cannot be used reliably for effective diagnosis of the said disease. In this paper, we describe how the above said problem could be efficiently solved through Ensemble Approach. The use  of  the  approach  has  bestowed  the  expert  system  with  significantly  simple  and  swift  learning,  smaller requirement for  storage  space  during classification, faster  classification with added  possibility of incremental learning. The system was comparatively evaluated using different ensemble integration methods for breast cancer diagnosis namely weighted averaging, product, minimum, maximum, poling and fuzzy integration  and different neural network approaches including MLP neural network, Radial Basis Function Network, Learning Vector Quantization and Recurrent Neural Network. Detailed experimental analysis with the system shows that the best performance in terms of accuracy and specificity measures is achieved while used maximum integration technique with Radial Bass Function Network while finest performance in terms of sensitivity is achieved when MLP neural network with Minimum integration is used.


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How to Cite

Janghel, R. R., & Shukla, A. (2017). Expert system for breast cancer diagnosis using ensemble approach. CSVTU International Journal of Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Biomedical, 1(1), 1–7.


