Biodegradation of Kraft Lignin using Mixed Microbial Consortia


  • Anandkumar J Department of Chemical Engineering, NIT Raipur
  • Swati Baghel Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Raipur



Kraft Lignin, Mixed Microbial Consortia, Lignocellulosic biomass,, Bacterial depolymerization


This study presents the recent research on bacterial kraft lignin degradation. To acquire microbial consortia for successfully lignin degradation, the samples were obtained from soil source. These isolated microbial strains SB2, SB4, SB5, SB6 and SB7 were isolated and screened after generations of subculture and mixed as a co-culture. In this study mixed bacterial strain was used for lignin degradation. Maximum kraft lignin (KL) degradation was found at 35 °C with 1% of mixed seed culture on 6th day of inoculation. This study reveals that lignin degrading bacteria reducing TDS 55.81%, COD 72.64% and decolorized colour up to 48.17%. These isolated strains were playing key role in bioremediation of kraft lignin degradation and for production of chemical and biofuel. Hence, model kraft lignin can be detoxify by using mixed bacterial strains.


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How to Cite

J, A., & Baghel, S. (2020). Biodegradation of Kraft Lignin using Mixed Microbial Consortia. CSVTU International Journal of Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Biomedical, 4(3), 87–93.


