Biodegradation of Naphthalene, Anthracene and Ammonia-N in Sequential Fed Batch Reactor


  • Aparna Yadu Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Raipur Raipur - 492010, Chhattisgarh, India
  • Anandkumar J Department of Chemical Engineering, NIT Raipur



Biodegradation;, Fed-batch reactor, Naphthalene (NAP), Anthracene (ANT), NH4 -N removal


Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) belongto a group of hydrophobic organic compounds that contains two or more fused benzene rings in cluster arrangement. Due to its ubiquitous presence, carcinogenic and mutagenic properties, recalcitrant nature, PAH compounds have gathered great environmental concern. In this study, a mixed microbial culture is used to degrade 500 mg/L of naphthalene (NAP), 100 mg/L of anthracene (ANT) and 300 mg/L of ammonia-N (NH4-N) in anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic sequential bioreactor operated in fed batch condition. Anaerobic reactor removed maximum 71% of NAP, 36% of ANT, 49% of NH4-N and 79% of COD with total HRT of 16 days. Anoxic reactor was found capable for almost complete removal of all the pollutants from the effluent of anaerobic and aerobic reactor during recycling. Residualconcentration of all the pollutants were efficiently degraded in the aerobic reactor with overall removal efficiency of 92% NAP, 70% ANT, 80% NH4-N and 90% COD.


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How to Cite

Yadu, A., & J, A. (2020). Biodegradation of Naphthalene, Anthracene and Ammonia-N in Sequential Fed Batch Reactor. CSVTU International Journal of Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Biomedical, 5(01), 09–14.